Sunday, July 23, 2006

A BIT IN CRISIS with me!!

about sustainable this for real? do you believe that they exist??

well well

I am living without eletricity I know how challenge and the start I thought it was a adventure and I would organize myself for a pedal power...3 months after I still on candles.

it is quite irresistable just connect with the eletrical company and do not care where and how the eletricity is coming from....may be from a hydreletric that killed heaps of animals and so on? may be from a nuclear base?

and this I found deeply deeply huge question mark in myself: how much are we keen to detach from our comfort, pleasures and leisures? where is the line?

well well I could get a solar pannel. but i really do not believe they are sustainable as at the end they become rubish.

hummmm......I am still looking for a sustainable me....

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